Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Transgender Day of Remembrance

I haven't, as of yet, gotten very political or very personal on this blog, as my real name is attached to it. And I won't do either here and now, but if a frank discussion against xenophobia in this culture is upsetting, you can stop reading and my feelings won't be very hurt.

I did my manicure in response to Lacquer Lad's request for support in honoring the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The guidelines he gave in particular were that blue and purple should be used and maybe a candle.

I used Sally Hansen CSM Good to Grape and L'Oreal Rainy Picadilly for my colors, with a gradient between the two. I attempted to do a light purple flame (Good to Grape mixed with a little White On) on my middle finger... and it was a huge disaster. So I covered the whole nail with the mix, did some distressing with a little acetone, and added my attempt at this symbol with more White On (swiped from Wikipedia's Gender Symbol page):

Here's our frank discussion, now. We all perform gender roles as we've been trained. I know, love, and respect several human beings who perform gender roles in different ways than society wishes they would, and you know whose problem that is? It's society's problem, not theirs.

We're afraid of what we don't understand. We're afraid of people who seem strange or don't do what we expect. Without teaching ourselves to consciously accept people who are different from us, we end up missing out on amazing experiences and relationships, we add hate to the world, we add justification to those who hurt people for being who they are, and that makes us complicit in the violence against transgender or gender-queer people.

I sincerely doubt anyone reading this is the type to perpetuate violence on people who look or behave differently, but on this day, please remember those who died because other people had no such compunction:

Transgender Day of Remembrance Memorial List 2012


  1. Thank you so much... This post honestly had me tearing up. I wish everyone could have this amount of understanding for people who are different.

  2. Great post! I think I should consider getting onto Facebook somehow to be able to share in these things more. :/ Every voice out there counts. All people who offer their support can count towards making someone feel that they aren't a freak.

  3. Very well written post - I did in fact read the whole thing and totally agree - very glad to have found your blog :)
